Scientific Staff
Riccardo Barbieri
Professor Emeritus
I am interested in the Fundamental Interactions of Particle Physics and in the early Universe. My current interests focus on the theory and the phenomenology of the flavour problem in Particle Physics.
Enrico Trincherini
Associate Professor
My research activity focuses on Theoretical High Energy physics, in particular on Quantum Field Theory, Gravitational physics and Cosmology.
Augusto Sagnotti
Full Professor
My research focuses on Theoretical Physics, and in particular on gravitational interactions. Currently a main theme is the breaking of Supersymmetry in Supergravity and in String Theory.
Guilherme Pimentel
Associate Professor
I’m interested in early universe cosmology — both theoretical and phenomenological aspects, quantum field theory in curved space, and also in string theory and conformal field theories.
Associated Scientific Staff
Dario Buttazzo
INFN Researcher
My research activity is focused on theoretical high-energy physics. In particular, I am interested in fundamental interactions beyond the Standard Model, the origin of fermion masses and mixings, and more in general quantum field theory and cosmology.
Alessandro Vichi
Associate Professor at UniPi
My research is mostly focused on conformal field theories and their supersymmetric extension. The goal is to study these often intricate quantum field theories using only basic principles, like symmetry and quantum unitarity. I am working on developing new methodologies and applying them to critical phenomena and high energy theories.
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, Building C, Office 272
Postdoc Fellows
Giorgio Leone
I am interested in studying the string theory landscape with particular emphasis on the corner where supersymmetry is absent or broken. In particular, I am interested in world-sheet constructions and their stability even outside geometric Minkowski compactifications, as well as in the consistency of string vacua under generalised global anomalies.
Chrysoula Markou
I am interested in decoding aspects of quantum gravity by means of strings and fields, with a focus on massive states of spin-2 and higher and their scattering amplitudes. Recently, I have been developing aspects of the construction of the spectrum of string theory, which may serve towards deciphering the underlying nature of string theory per se.
Laura Engelbrecht
I have a wide variety of interests with work on topics including cosmology, scattering amplitudes, modified gravity, holography, and supersymmetry. Most recently, I am working with cosmological correlation functions to investigate ways to place theoretical bounds on cosmological observables.
Carlos Duaso Pueyo
I am interested in early universe cosmology and the physics of expanding spacetimes. In particular, I am focused on better understanding quantum field theory in those contexts, developing new methods to compute inflationary observables, and constraining the space of inflationary theories.
Sumer Jaitly
My work has focused on understanding how high energy properties of physical theories can be used to constrain observable phenomena at low energy. I am interested in the theory of scattering amplitudes as well as learning about and developing methods for cosmological correlators.
Emine Şeyma Kutluk
My research interests are in quantum cosmology and general relativity. Most of my recent focus is on asymptotic symmetries, adiabatic solutions and soft modes in gauge theories, gravity and cosmology.
Salvatore Raucci
PhD Students
I’m interested in de Sitter physics. Currently I'm working on cosmological correlators in the strongly-coupled sector, on both theoretical and phenomenological aspects. I also have interests in de Sitter quantum gravity.
Bruno Bucciotti
My research spans many topics, including ultralight dark matter, black hole ringdown, resurgence, fermion-monopole scattering and formal quantum field theory. Most recently, I am working on non-linearities in black hole ringdown.
I'm interested in QFTs, specifically the non-perturbative aspects of gauge theories. I studied the infrared of chiral gauge theories by matching 't Hooft anomalies of generalized symmetries and QCD dynamics through anomaly-mediated SUSY breaking in SQCD. Recently, I have been working on the fermion-monopole scattering.
I am mainly interested in the quantum mechanics of the very early universe. Recently, my focus has been on differential equation methods applied to the study of cosmological correlators and, in particular, loop-corrections.
My research focuses on understanding the dynamics of gravity in the limit of infinite dimensions and leveraging its relative simplicity to find analytical solutions. I am also interested in obtaining waveforms from amplitudes.
I am interested in Particle Physics Phenomenology. My current research focuses on Electro-Weak symmetry breaking and Dark Matter, exploring
potential links between them.
Leonardo Juliano
My research focuses on theories of gravitation. I am currently working on Black Hole physics and Effective Field Theories of gravity. I also have a more broad interest in Cosmology, Conformal Field Theory and Quantum Information methods.